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- 10:00
The history of the JavaScript ecosystem can be described as a move from a simple ecosystem with no tooling (just write the code and F5!) in the 90s, towards the current wave of massive tooling which nobody understands but which helps us mitigate the deficiencies in browsers and the internet.
Are we stuck there? I believe we aren’t.
I aim to bring a vision that returns full circle to an ecosystem with little to no tooling. It shows that with modern technologies like import maps, web bundles, the type annotations proposal, 103 Early Hints, and others, we can bring back the simplicity of the early ecosystem, while not sacrificing the advantages of the current one.
This talk presents this vision, and describes the technologies and techniques that enable this return to simplicity.

35 years of experience have not dulled the fascination Gil Tayar has with software development. His passion is distributed systems and figuring out how to scale development to big teams. Extreme modularity and testing are the main tools in his toolbelt, using them to combat the code spaghetti monster as a software architect at companies like Wix, Applitools, and at his current job as software engineer at Microsoft.
In his private life, he is a dad to two lovely kids, an avid reader of Science Fiction, and a passionate film buff. Unfortunately for him, he hasn’t answered the big question of his life—what’s better, static or dynamic languages? But he’s working on it.